Mshtml Dll Error Windows 10

Active2 months ago

I have a C# solution that makes use of Smith Html Editor (I'm developing on the main project which uses this, so I don't know much about this library), which makes a reference to MSHTML. This worked fine until my upgrade to Windows 10 and it can't find MSHTML anymore. I can directly reference the DLL on the GAC folder, and it stops complaining and thus builds, but it's getting some runtime errors related to the editor not instantiating.

After a little research, it turns out that MSHTML is phased out of Windows 10 as it now uses EdgeHTML. Does anyone have any idea how I can go around this?

The solution still works for Windows 7.

What Is Microsoft.mshtml.dll? Microsoft.mshtml.dll is a type of DLL file associated with QuickBooks Invoice Manager developed by Intuit Inc. For the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Microsoft.mshtml.dll is, which was produced for Windows XP Pro. Dec 19, 2015  Windows 7 10 with the media creation tool this time. Although i have done it through the windows icon and windows update as well at least 2 times per each. No known virus or malware on it currently. Cleaned recently very well. Windows 7 ran. Windows 10 liscence expiring soon I have been getting a message that pops up on my screen that says Windows 10 license expiring soon and I. What Is Microsoft.mshtml.dll? Microsoft.mshtml.dll is a type of DLL file associated with QuickBooks Invoice Manager developed by Intuit Inc. For the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Microsoft.mshtml.dll is, which was produced for Windows XP Pro. Jun 09, 2014  Some days ago, this app also crashed in other place of the process, but the dll that appeared in the event viewer was pngfilt.dll. We solved that problem adding the executable of the application to the exclusion list of DEP (Data Execution Protection) in advanced options under system settings. Since then, the pngfilt.dll crash has disappeared.

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Mshtml Dll Error Windows 10

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8 Answers

I just created a blog post on this issue. The problem is that the Microsoft.mshtml.dll assembly in the Global Assembly Cache becomes unregistered from ActiveX during the upgrade process. To fix this issue, it is necessary to run 'regasm' on the assembly:

  1. Open an instance of 'Developer Command Prompt for VS2013' (or whatever version of Visual Studio you happen to be using). Run it as Administrator by right-clicking the icon and selecting, 'Run as Administrator.'
  2. Navigate to 'C:WindowsassemblyGACMicrosoft.mshtml7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a.' It is possible your path will vary. To verify, go to 'C:WindowsassemblyGACMicrosoft.mshtml' and type 'dir.'
  3. Once you are in the correct path, type regasm Microsoft.mshtml.dll

I had the exact same problem. Adding the c:windowssystem32mshtml.tlb worked. Note it's NOT the dll, but the tlb. Thank you so much for asking this question and thank you Hans, for the answer :)

Flemming Bonde KentvedFlemming Bonde Kentved

I had the same issue and I think what's going on, at least in my case, is that the project was originally a VS2012 project on Windows 7 and there was a primary interop assembly installed that was referenced. When I removed and re-added the reference to MSHTML and did a diff on the files, the only difference was that the <WrapperTool> was changed from primary to tlbimp and <EmbedInteropTypes> was changed from false to true.

At some point, Visual Studio added the ability to embed the COM wrappers directly into the assembly instead of referencing PIAs, so my guess is that a new VS2015 installation on Windows 10 no longer installs PIAs because they're not necessary. So that's why removing and re-adding the reference fixes the problem and the project should continue to build fine on older OS as well.

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MSHTML is still an important component in Windows 10, even with Edge as the default browser. You can find it in 'C:WindowsSystem32'. To quote from the official FAQ:


In Windows 10 the WebBrowser control will use Internet Explorer’s legacy rendering engine, mshtml.dll. At this time EdgeHTML is not available through the WebBrowser control.


In Universal Windows Apps built for Windows 10, the WebView control use Microsoft EdgeHTML. WebView controls in apps built for Windows 8 & 8.1 will continue to load the MSHTML to preserve compatibility.

Malte LantinMalte Lantin

In case if all of the above failed to work for you, here's my solution which is different to the above and it worked for me:

I registered the microsoft.mshtml.dll in the global assembly cache.

Here is the solution:

Step 1:Open the Developer Command Prompt by typing dev in your windows 10 search box and right click the Developer Command Prompt for VSxxxx and run as administrator

Step 2:Navigate to your microsoft.mshtml.dll library.In my case:

Step 3Run the following command to register in the global assembly cache:

For more information visit this web article:

Aron GrzywaczewskiAron Grzywaczewski

Great solution Aron!

In my case it was:

(I wrote these on seperate lines since word-wrap made it confusing to read).


Using VS 2015 I had this issue after the last Windows 10 update. I removed the reference 'Microsoft HTML Object Library' and added it again to the project. This resolved the issue in my case.


For some reason in my case the Microsoft.mshtml file was located in a different directory. On Visual Studio, double click the assembly reference, and you'll find the path to it. Now open the 'Developer Command Prompt for VS2017', type the following cd C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017EnterpriseCommon7IDEPublicAssemblies. Then regasm Microsoft.mshtml.dll.

Helder PintoHelder Pinto

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Overview of Mshtml.dll

What Is Mshtml.dll?

Mshtml.dll is a type of DLL file associated with MSDN Disc 1969 developed by Microsoft for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Mshtml.dll is, which was produced for Windows. This DLL file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of 'UNKNOWN'.

What Are DLL Files?

DLL ('dynamic link library') files such as mshtml.dll are small programs, similar to EXE ('executable') files, which allow multiple software programs to share the same functionality (eg. printing).

Microsoft Dll Errors Windows 10

For example, let's say you are running Windows and editing a document in Microsoft Word. The DLL file that controls printing does not need to load unless it's function is needed - eg. you decide to print your document. When you select 'Print', Microsoft Word calls the printer DLL file, and it is loaded into memory (RAM) at that time. If you want to print a document in another program, Adobe Acrobat for example, that same printer DLL file will be used as well.

Why Do I Have DLL Errors?

Mshtml Dll Download

Because they are shared files, DLL files exist outside of the software application itself. Although this provides many benefits for software developers, this separation also provides an opportunity for problems to occur.

Quite simply, if Windows cannot properly load your mshtml.dll file, you will encounter an error message. Please see 'Causes of mshtml.dll Errors' below for more information.

When Do DLL Errors Occur?

DLL errors, such as those associated with mshtml.dll, most often occur during computer startup, program startup, or while trying to use a specific function in your program (eg. printing).

Common Mshtml.dll Error Messages

The most common mshtml.dll errors that can appear on a Windows-based computer are:

  • 'Mshtml.dll not found.'
  • 'The file mshtml.dll is missing.'
  • 'Mshtml.dll Access Violation.'
  • 'Cannot register mshtml.dll.'
  • 'Cannot find C:WindowsSystem32mshtml.dll.'
  • 'Cannot start MSDN Disc 1969. A required component is missing: mshtml.dll. Please install MSDN Disc 1969 again.'
  • 'This application failed to start because mshtml.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.'

These DLL error messages can appear during program installation, while a mshtml.dll-related software program (eg. MSDN Disc 1969) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Keeping track of when and where your mshtml.dll error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem.