Cognos Tm1 Applications

I tried editing 'D: Program Files ibm cognos tm164 configuration CogStartup.xml' on application and web servers after renaming the folder to '-OLD'. On recycling the services another folder 'IBM Cognos TM1 Application - My Applications' got created in Cognos Connection where the applications are not working. Thanks, Paul. This Technote provides detailed steps to configure the TM1 Server, TM1Web, TM1 Applications (pmpsvc), and pmhub web appliction for CAM authentication. This Technote supplements the following TM1 10.2.2 and Planning Analytics 2.0 Local documentation. Free tm1 training, TM1 Beginner tutorials, Tm1 Tutorials. Here’s what you’ll do to setup tm1 application server: 1. Create a directory structure on your disk as below: That means on your D: drive you’ll create a folder TM1Beginner and in the folder, you’ll create these 4 folders. Now, Create following 2 files in Data folder.

Active4 years, 9 months ago

What the differences between 'Cognos TM1' and 'Cognos 10 BI'?Which one is consider as BI Tools by IBM?

Ben Brocka
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Cognos Tm1 Applications

5 Answers

Cognos Tm1 Applications Pdf

There are huge differences between 'Cognos TM1' & 'Cognos 10 BI'!

Cognos TM1 is a (OLAP) multidimensional database which can be queried from Excel and the Web through 'TM1 Web', 'TM1 Executive Viewer' and 'Cognos 10 BI'. Within this database, you'll be able to create almost anykind of OLAP / Decisional application.

Cognos 10 BI is a web based reporting application. Users, depending on their rights (licence) will be able to run reports, schedule reports and/or create ad hoc analysis against relational and/or multidimensional databases. In order to do so, a logical layer has to be built using 'Framework Manager'. This logical layer is used to hide database complexity and to provide to the end users relevant information.

Ryan Kohn
8,36310 gold badges47 silver badges79 bronze badges
Robert MILLIRobert MILLI

In simplest terms:

  • TM1 is a database engine and a collection of applications for accessing and managing its databases.
  • Cognos BI is a collection of web applications that provide pretty interfaces for viewing and doing stuff with data.

More often than not, Cognos BI uses TM1 databases as its data source, but it does not have to. If Cognos BI is using TM1, most of the same user functions that are possible in TM1 applications are also available through Cognos BI, except they are available in a more user-friendly manner. Cognos BI also adds functionality not in TM1 applications to allow additional data management. IBM's marketing is confusing, but generally Cognos BI and Cognos TM1 collectively are considered to be the BI Tools package that they offer.

Ibm Cognos Tm1 Applications

Now to be a little more technical about TM1, it is not just a plain old database. As others here have mentioned, it is a multidimensional OLAP database. It is able to handle numeric and string data, but it does not have a concept of NULL values. Numeric data can be summarized using consolidated elements. It has attributes to store metadata in. It has a built-in rules engine to handle business logic and custom calculations. It has processes for ETL and database maintenance tasks. It has chores for scheduling processes at various intervals. It links to Excel workbooks. Lastly, in addition to these features and more that are provided out of the box, TM1 exposes an API for programming against using 3GLs such as C++, C#, Java, and even VBA.


The key difference is Cognos TM1 is meant to work with excel easily wheras Cognos 10 BI is mainly browser based.Have a look here for gory details.

2,7953 gold badges19 silver badges21 bronze badges

Cognos TM1 is also referred to by IBM as Financial Performance Management FPM. It's an in-memory MOLAP cube application with real-time rules calculation. As it provides end-user writeback it's often used by the Office of Finance for budgeting and modelling - therefore the MS Excel interface is frequently used. However it also comes with a zero footprint web 'front end' as well as Cognos Insight, which permits distributed or disconnected access to the TM1 cubes (located server side).

TM1 may be integrated into Cognos BI, so that Cognos BI reports from TM1 cubes; or TM1 may be accessed from a portlet within a Cognos BI dashboard.


difference between cognos10 and cognos tm1 :-BI is the reporting tool and cognos tm1 is analysis and reporting tool , in tm1 bulid the CUBES and BI generatead the reports

brahmareddy sunkarabrahmareddy sunkara

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Cognos Tm1 Applications Download


In cases where an application cannot be redeployed or rights can no longer be saved the following process can be used to reset deployed application. The TM1 model contains dimensions and cubes with names starting with }tp_ that correspond to the deployed applications. This process will force these cubes and dimension to be recreated. Problems with application deployment and applying application rights can be caused by missing or incorrectly defined }tp_ objects in the TM1 model.

Resolving The Problem

1 - Export the application(s) from the TM1 Applications web portal. If it's not possible to export the applications then it may be possible to use the .model, .admin, and .security files from the ..tm1_64webappspmpsvcWEB-INFapplications directory to manually create an application export file. Rename these files as following:
<application_id>.model -> app.definition
<application_id>.admin -> app.admin
<application_id>.security ->
To determine the application id for a specific application examine the URL when browsing to the application workflow web page.
After renaming this files place them into a single file. We can later use this file to import the application.
2 - Stop the IBM Cognos TM1 Applications service
3 - Remove (without deleting) any .model, .admin, and .security files from the ..tm1_64webappspmpsvcWEB-INFapplications directory
4 - If the TM1 server uses CAM security then we must also remove links to previously deployed applications from the IBM Cognos TM1 Applications - My Applications folder in Cognos Connections Public Folders. If CAM security is not used skip this step.
5 - Using TM1 Architect run the }tp_admin_delete_all Ti process (you may need to enable the option to display control objects). This process is run with the default parameters. Please note that this Ti process remove all objects from the TM1 model used by TM1 Applications for all applications.
6 - Using TM1 Architect check for rules on the }CubeSecurity and }DimensionSecurity cubes. Comment out any rules on these cubes by adding the comment symbol # in front of the rule and save. These rules only need to be disabled during the application deployment or import process.
7 - Start the IBM Cognos TM1 Applications service
8 - Open a new web browser session and browse to the IBM Cognos TM1 Applications web portal (e.g tm1web:9510/pmpsvc). The process of browsing to this web portal will recreate some Ti processes in the TM1 model that were removed by the }tp_admin_delete_all process.
9 - Import the application from the file. Optionally the application can be recreated and deployed from Performance Modeler.
10 - Enable any rules of the }CubeSecurity and }DimensionSecurity cube that were disabled in step 6

[{'Product':{'code':'SS9RXT','label':'Cognos TM1'},'Business Unit':{'code':'BU002','label':'Business Analytics'},'Component':'TM1 Contributor','Platform':[{'code':'PF033','label':'Windows'}],'Version':'10.2;10.2.2','Edition':'All Editions'}]

Cognos Tm1 User Guide

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018